Monday 19 May 2014

Ringing continues

The Cuckoos on my new ringing site continue to be interested in my 'dummy'...sadly neither of the two males were caught....theres always next time....and still very much the hope of catching a juvenile when they start leaving the nest....I guess it wont be too long before the first ones appear.....

In the meantime I have started catching some Great Tit, Parus major, though didnt get a picture, so will do next time one appears.....however....some juveinle Robins, Erithacus rubecula, obliged...

Robin, Erithacus rubecula
These juveniles wont take too long to obtain the red colouration of the adults and as soon as they do they will be chased from the area as a potential threat...hence they are mottled brown initially so they get enough food to grow to become independent.

There have been some Greenfinches, Cardeulis chloris, calling every time I have been on site, but then most of the windbreaks are evergreens, a tree that they are particularly attracted to....the colour difference between this breeding pair, caught in the net at the same time just a few inches apart, is quite amazing...

